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    STORM' recover service for new and old engine to reduce consumption! and harmful emissions into the atmosphere, contribute to "Net Zero" egenda, started by mostly banks in the World, you may be a part of it, contact us to get into it...







    "Net Zero" still today, don't wait for 2050!

    "Net Zero" effect vs engine smoke reducing after STORM's discover the process of "ReCovery" of an engine in 2011 –

      how simple it is to get done vs net zero

    problem solution for "Net Zero" applied on an old Mercedes–Benz

    Here is a sample of the "Power Coding" (PowerCoding) process (service) that solve the massive white smoke problem by a Mercedes–Benz 260E, 500'000 km old engine. The recover process was applied on a 12 years old Mercedes engine, – the result watch in video, or download the file below:

    Download this video as a MP4 iPod file [50MB]
    The same video as DivX [67MB].
    Engine start with an "Net Zero" effect (download videos):

    What opportunities we offer:

    What about engine performance...

    IMPROVED PERFORMANCE is achieved through the increased rate of combustion. The process intensifies and optimizes the pressure on the pistons and directly increases engine’s power output. (what it means...)

    To be a part of our team

    franchise with us !

    There are nothing wrong with pay for fuel less...

    How our service centre works and what they pffer the public:

      Hiper–ionizing is an advanced energy compressing method – THE number 1 among engine and gear wear protection.
    Additionally, the engine of a middle engine volume (2L) car WASTES up to 600 liters of fuel for 50’000 km;
    – truck engines waste up to 2’000 liters of Diesel fuel for 100’000 km, USELESSLY! Stop that fuel waisting and save the environment!